Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Seminar?

  • Seminars are hour-long, weekly sessions led by Peer Leaders. During the Seminar, a Peer Leader facilitates a series of topics; to include: resume help, LinkedIn, interviewing skills, and more!

What is a Peer Leader?

  • Peer Leaders are students who have previously participated in ELASP for Freshmen and are now thriving Bauer students! Each new student will be assigned a Peer Leader who will be their personal guide for meeting new people, getting connected to campus activities and organizations, and being successful in their classes. You are encouraged to meet with your Peer Leader at least twice in your fall semester to get to know them more and ask any questions you may have.

What if I can't make it to my Seminar?

  • If you cannot make it to your Seminar time, you may attend another Seminar time offered that works with your schedule for that week. If you begin to find, however, that your initial Seminar time is no longer suitable for you, contact the Program Manager for Student Experience to discuss moving you to a different time.

When and where are all the ELASP Seminars, Workshops, and Events?

  • You can find all of our events on our website. You can even download your own copy of our events! Also, follow our Instagram page for updates and reminders!

Who should I ask if I have questions about my points?

  • We recommend students to keep track of their points and scholarship requirements. We have even created a handy tracker sheet for your convenience! However, you can email to find out your current standing for the ELASP scholarship requirements and points.

I think I met all the requirements for the ELASP Scholarship, when will I get confirmation and information about next steps?

  • If you meet all of the requirements for the scholarship, you will receive an email from the Program Manager for Student Experience at the end of the semester with follow-up information.

What should I do after being in ELASP during my first semester?

Where can I find more information about what student organizations are available on campus?