Faculty Achievements

Bauer faculty, if you would like to update your Faculty Achievements, please contact us with the information.

Accountancy & Taxation

  • Robert Grinaker Professor of Accounting Saleha Khumawala, was awarded the Enduring Lifetime Contribution Award from the Government and Nonprofit Section of the American Accounting Association.
  • Clinical Assistant Professor Jim Stinson received two awards — a 2012 Advising Excellence Award from Bauer College and a 2012 Significant Contribution by a Member in Education Award from the Houston Society of CPAs.
  • Associate Professor Emre Kilic received 2012 teaching awards from both Bauer College and the Department of Accountancy & Taxation.
  • Associate Professor Jan Meade became the Faculty Director for Advising and received 2012 service awards from both Bauer College and the Department of Accountancy & Taxation.
  • Professor Gerald Lobo had seven papers published in top academic accounting research journals.
  • Professor Saleha Khumawala continued to build microfinance initiatives at Bauer College, with a team of students from the college’s MicroFinance Initiative traveling to Washington, D.C., to present at the Clinton Global Initiative University.

Decision & Information Sciences

  • Mahbub Hossain was awarded the University of Houston 2024 Population Health Publication Award.
  • Professor of Healthcare Strategy & Technology and Research Director, Healthcare Business Institute Ravi Aron is part of the research team (representing Bauer) in the CTSA Translational Medicine Grant from NIH to create a regional hub for Translational Research.
  • Wynne Chin’s Google Scholar citations have progressed beyond the 100K mark with an h-index of 70.
  • Yinliang (Ricky) Tan awarded the Global Supply Chain and Logistics Award from the 8th North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management.
  • Yinliang (Ricky) Tan was named Department Editor (New Fast Track department) of the Decision Science Journal.
  • Yinliang (Ricky) Tan’s co-authored working paper with visiting Ph.D. student Ting Hou “A Field Experiment on AI-Assisted Physicians” was awarded Best Student Paper during the 2023 Annual Production & Operations Management Conference.
  • Bauer Fellow and Associate Professor Meng Li “Tele-Follow-Up and Outpatient Care” (with Wei Gu at USTB and Shujing Sun at UTD) is the runners-up for Informs TIMES Best Working Paper Award 2022.
  • Associate Professor Ricky Tan received the 2022 Information Systems Society (ISS) Sandy Slaughter Early Career Award. The award recognizes and honors early career individuals who are on a path towards making outstanding intellectual contributions to the information systems discipline.
  • Associate Professor and Bauer Fellow Meng Li is the winner of the POMS College of Operational Excellence Best Paper Competition for his working paper titled “Tele-follow-up and outpatient care”.
  • Bauer Information Systems faculty are #3 in the top 4 journals in Tier-1 publications including Management Information Systems Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of the Association of Information Systems and Journal of Management Information Systems.
  • Decision & Information Sciences Associate Professor Ricky Tan will co-edit a special issue of “New Business Models and Operations” for Production and Operations Management.
  • Associate Dean of Graduate & Professional Programs Leiser Silva was awarded the "Best paper in track" award by ICIS 2020.
  • Decision & Information Sciences Assistant Professor Xiao Ma received the Best Associate Editor Award at the ICIS 2020 Conference for “Human Behaviors, User Engagement, and Consequences Track.”
  • The University of Houston Hobby Center for Public Policy (HCPP) White Paper Series has released research co-authored by Associate Professor Elizabeth Anderson-Fletcher, Associate Professor Dusya Vera and Spec's Charitable Foundation Professor JeAnna Abbott titled "The Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Ebola Crisis: A Perfect Storm of Human Errors, System Failures and Lack of Mindfulness." Anderson-Fletcher also wrote an article for the Houston Chronicle that focuses on the supply chain implications of the current Zika virus crisis.
  • The Journal of the Association for Information Systems has recognized a paper co-authored by Bauer professors as the best paper it published in 2014. "The Historical Method and Information Systems Research" by Jaana Porra, Rudy Hirschheim and Michael S. Parks was published in the journal's Vol. 15, Issue 9.
  • Faculty members from the department have taken a strong leadership position within the Decision Sciences Institute, the premier society for the development and advancement of the discipline, with approximately 2,000 members internationally. Professor Powell Robinson is president of the Institute for 2012-2013 and was the keynote speaker for the 2012 annual meeting in Istanbul, Turkey. Associate Professor Funda Sahin is the program chair for the 2013 annual meeting, expected to draw 1,000 paper submissions and 1,400 members. Sahin previously served as vice president of the Institute.
  • Professor Wynne Chin brought the 7th International Conference on Partial Least Squares and Related Methods to North America for the first time in May 2012, serving as co-chair. In August of the same year, he gave an invited talk on research methodology to the Ph.D. Project for Minority Business Doctoral Students. He also has served as a guest senior editor for MIS Quarterly and the Journal of the AIS, and was the research methods track chair for the Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2012. In addition, Chin was recently appointed to the board of the Asian Pacific Americans in Higher Education, an organization that focuses on issues involving faculty and students of Asian ancestry in higher education.
  • Faculty from the department lead academic research in their respective fields, with Associate Professor Jaana Porra serving as an associate editor for the Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Associate Professor Norman Johnson as associate editor of both the Decisions Science Journal and the European Journal of Information Systems, and Associate Professor Leiser Silva as senior editor for a special issue of the Information Systems Journal on IT in developing countries.
  • Associate Professor Norman Johnson has also been ranked in the top 50 most successful researchers for his output of articles published in MIS Quarterly between 2007 and 2011.
  • Faculty from the department worked with student teams to prepare them for national and international competitions. Clinical Assistant Professor Gordon Smith coached MBA students Azhar Mohammed and Krithika Krishnan to win first place in the 2012 Graduate Student Chuck Nelson Student Paper Contest, while Clinical Assistant Professor Michael Murray worked with an MBA student team that placed second in the U.S. and fifth overall in the Annual ERPsim International Competition sponsored by HEC Montreal.


  • Rohit Allena was awarded the Best Paper award for his sole authored paper "Confident Risk Premiums and Investments using Machine Learning Uncertainties" at the 2023 Hong Kong Conference for Fintech, AI, and Big Data in Business, organized by the City University of Hong Kong in June 2023.
  • Zack Liu won the Blackrock Best Paper award in the Financial Research Association Annual Conference for his paper “Count Data.” The FRA conference is among the most selective and prestigious conferences in Finance.
  • A paper by Assistant Professor Hitesh Doshi, Professor Kris Jacobs and Professor Stuart Turnbull (with Jan Ericsson of McGill University), “On Pricing Credit Default Swaps with Observable Covariates,” received the best paper award in May 2012 at a conference organized by HEC Montreal in association with IFM2.
  • Department Chair Praveen Kumar was named the co-editor-in-chief of Corporate Governance: An International Review, beginning in January 2013. In addition, Kumar spoke at the Great Lakes Global Thought Leadership Series on “Strategies for Superior Performance in the Oil & Gas Industry in the 21st Century,” in New Delhi, India, in August 2012.
  • Professor Craig Pirrong was named to the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank’s Working Group on Financial Markets in 2011.

Marketing & Entrepreneurship

  • Michael Ahearne and Vanessa Patrick were both re-elected to serve another term as Associate Editors at the Journal of Marketing.
  • Mike Ahearne was ranked #10 and Seshadri Tirunillai was ranked # 26 in Marketing for the 2023 AMA Research Productivity Report.
  • Mike Ahearne was ranked #27 overall in Marketing for all premier journal publications (JM, JMR, JCR and Marketing Science).
  • The UH Department of Marketing & Entrepreneurship was ranked #16 overall in Marketing for premier journal publications (JM & JMR) and #40 overall in Marketing for premier journal publications (JM, JMR, JCR and Marketing Science).
  • Johannes Habel named Senior Editor at Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management (JPSSM).
  • Michael Ahearne named an MSI Academic Fellow, the highest honor given by the Marketing Science Institute.
  • Doctoral alum Irene Nahm, Prof. Michael Ahearne, and Prof. Seshadri Tirunillai (all Marketing) were awarded the 2023 AMA Sales SIG Excellence in Research Award.
  • Melanie Rudd was named Associate Editor for the Journal of Consumer Psychology.
  • Vanessa Patrick was re-appointed Associate Editor for the Journal of Marketing Research.
  • Marketing doctoral alum (now Assistant Prof at U. of Minnesota) Irene Nahm was awarded the 2022 Sales SIG Excellence in Research Award for her Journal of Marketing Research article, "Managing Positive and Negative Trends in Sales Call Outcomes: The Role of Momentum," co-authored with Bauer faculty Michael Ahearne and Seshadri Tirunillai.
  • Vanessa Patrick’s research article “Designing for All: Consumer Response to Inclusive Design.” was named a finalist for the 2023 AMA-EBSCO-RRBM Award for Responsible Research in Marketing. This award is funded by EBSCO and in partnership with the Sheth Foundation and the Responsible Research in Business & Management network.
  • Johannes Habel was named winner of the 2023 NCSM Best Paper Award for his research titled “Sales Content Platform Usage and Sales Success” conducted with Heiko Wieland from California State University, Nathan Hartmann from the University of South Florida, Nawar Chaker from Louisiana State University, and independent researcher Frederick Tyler.
  • Johannes Habel is also co-author of the 2023 NCSM Best Doctoral Paper Award for research titled “Um, I Was Kind of Thinking That Maybe Using Filler Words Hurt Sales Call Success… Ya Know What I Mean?” conducted with Allison Crick-Smith, Nathan Hartmann, and Dipayan Biswas from the University of South Florida.
  • Johannes Habel won the 2023 NCSM (National Conference on Sales Management) Best Paper Award for his research titled “Sales Content Platform Usage and Sales Success” conducted with Heiko Wieland, Nathan Hartmann, Nawar Chaker, and Frederick Tyler.
  • Johannes Habel winner of 2023 NCSM Best Doctoral Paper Award for “Um, I Was Kind of Thinking That Maybe Using Filler Words Hurt Sales Call Success… Ya Know What I Mean?” conducted with Allison Crick-Smith, Nathan Hartmann, and Dipayan Biswas.
  • Michael Ahearne placed 9th worldwide for publications in JM and JMR (Journal of Marketing and Journal of Marketing Research) and 22nd worldwide for publications in JM, JMR, JCR (Journal of Consumer Research), and MKS (Marketing Science).
  • Professor Seshadri Tirunillai placed 26th worldwide for publications in JM and JMR.
  • Department of Marketing & Entrepreneurship placed 17th worldwide for publications in JM and JMR and 39th for publications in JM, JMR, JCR, and MKS.
  • Assistant Professor Martin Kramer was named winner of the 2023 AMA Organizational Frontlines Young Scholar Research Competition for his research titled "Multi-Tasking Incentives in B2B Sales: Fostering Multi-Tasking or Creating Goal Confusion" conducted with Marcel Keen and Sascha Alavi from University of Bochum and Sebastian Hohenberg from University of Münster.
  • Assistant Professor Martin Kramer was named winner of the 2023 IMU Research for Practice Award for his dissertation research "Supporting Strategic Shifts in the Sales Force with Innovative Incentives - Field Experimental Approaches."
  • Associate Dean of Research & Bauer Professor of Marketing Vanessa Patrick received the 2022-2023 American Marketing Association Consumer Behavior SIG Research in Practice Award for "recent and rigorous research with managerial implications."
  • Michael J. Cemo Associate Professor of Marketing Seshadri Tirunillai was named a Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Scholar.
  • Assistant Professor Kitty Wang was a finalist for the 2022 Weitz-Winer-O'Dell Award, which honors the Journal of Marketing Research article published five years earlier that has made the most significant, long-term contribution to marketing theory, methodology, and/or practice. Kitty was a finalist for her paper "Can Offline Stores Drive Online Sales?" by Kitty Wang and Avi Goldfarb.
  • Professor of Practice Bill Zahn and doctoral alum Willy Bolander won the Thomas Ponzurick Top In Conference Award for best paper at the 2022 Association of Marketing Theory and Practice (AMTP) Conference.
  • Professor Michael Ahearne received the 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Marketing Association (AMA) Selling & Sales Management Special Interest Group (AMA SalesSIG) for his tremendous impact on the academic sales community.
  • Professor Johannes Habel received the 2022 Best Reviewer Award from the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
  • Mike Ahearne and Johannes Habel have co-authored two papers that are among the winners of the 6th Annual Young Scholar Research (YSR) Competition by the Organizational Frontlines Interest Group:
    • "When Does Reducing Sales Force Incentives Help or Harm? Understanding the Trade-off Between Performance Quantity and Quality" by Martin Kraemer, Sascha Alavi, Johannes Habel, and Michael Ahearne.
    • "Give Me Your Genes and I Tell You Your Sales Success?" by Christian Winter, Nicolas Zacharias, Ad de Jong, and Johannes Habel.
  • Vanessa Patrick will serve as Chair of the Policy Board for the Journal of the Association of Consumer Research (JACR). She has already served for two years as a member of the policy board.
  • Marketing Assistant Professor Kitty Wang won the best paper award for her paper “Revenue sharing for platforms” at the Conference on Information Systems and Technology.
  • Shijie Lu will be joining the Marketing Science ERB starting Jan 1, 2022. He currently also serves on the ERB of the Journal of Marketing Research.
  • Marketing & Entrepreneurship Professor Seshadri Tirunillai named to the editorial board of the Journal of Marketing.
  • Johannes Habel received an honorable mention for the Marvin Jolson Award for Best Contribution to Selling and Sales Management Practice for his article: Habel, Johannes, Roland Kassemeier, Sascha Alavi, Philipp Haaf, Christian Schmitz, and Jan Wieseke (2020): “When do customers perceive customer centricity? The role of a firm’s and salespeople’s customer orientation,” Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 40 (1), 25-42.
  • Marketing doctoral alum Irene Nahm was awarded the Mary Kay award given by the Academy of Marketing Science for best dissertation in the field of marketing. Her dissertation is titled, "New Frontiers in Selling: Essays Examining Sales Force Effectiveness in a Changing Environment,"
  • Johannes Habel was recognized by the Journal of Service Research and the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science for his research on the “frontline in crisis”.
  • Marketing doctoral alum Irene Nahm (now on the faculty at University of Minnesota) received an Honorable Mention for the 2021 John A. Howard/American Marketing Association Doctoral Dissertation Award for her dissertation titled “New Frontiers in Selling: Essays Examining Sales Force Effectiveness in a Changing Environment.”
  • Professor Steve Brown was named Co-Editor for Journal of Retailing. Brown also serves on the editorial boards for Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Journal of Services Research.
  • Professor Michael Ahearne was named Area Editor for Journal of Marketing. Ahearne also serves on the editorial boards for Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, and Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management.
  • Professor Vanessa Patrick was reappointed to the Editorial Review Board for Journal of Consumer Research. Patrick also serves on the editorial board for Journal of Consumer Psychology.
  • Professor Ed Blair was named to the Journal of Consumer Research Policy Board. Blair also serves on the editorial board for Journal of Business Research.
  • Professor Partha Krishnamurthy was reappointed to the Editorial Board for Journal of Consumer Psychology.
  • Professor Sam Hui received the 2013 MSI/H. Paul Root Award given by members of the Journal of Marketing editorial review board to a paper that has made a significant contribution to the advancement of the practice of marketing. This award is cosponsored by the American Marketing Association (AMA) and Marketing Science Institute (MSI).
  • Professor Sam Hui received the 2014 AMA Retail and Pricing Special Interest Group Young Scholar Award. Hui previously was named an MSI Young Scholar in 2013.
  • Professors Rex Du, Ye Hu and doctoral student Sina Damangir received the best paper award at the 2014 AMA Advanced Research Techniques Forum. Du previously received this award in 2011.
  • Professor Joel LeBon received the best paper award at the 2014 Global Sales Science Institute conference.

Management & Leadership

  • The Department of Management & Leadership was Ranked #5 in the country by Fortune for 2025 in their rankings of Best MBA Program with a Human Resource Management Concentration. See the rankings here: Best MBA Programs for 2025 - Human Resource Management | Fortune Education.
  • Curtis Wesley and Tiffany Owens were awarded Best Paper for the Academy of Management Conference for their paper “A Human and Social Capital Perspective on Institutional Owner Reactions to Black CEO Appointments” which is also under consideration for the Division Best Paper for the Gender & Diversity in Organizations division.
  • Professor Juan Madera received a grant from the National Science Foundation for a project entitled "Center for Equity in Faculty Advancement (CEFA): Identifying and Eliminating Systemic Racism in Promotion and Tenure Processes".
  • Assistant Professor Sana Chiu was recognized with the 2024 Outstanding Reviewer Award by the Strategic Management Society.
  • Associate Professor Enrica Ruggs received a National Science Foundation (NSF) Science of Organizations grant for Collaborative Research: Uncovering and Enhancing Pathways to Psychological Safety at Work for Racial Minority Women.
  • Associate Professor Enrica Ruggs will be joining the editorial board of Journal of Management (JOM) as an Associate Editor beginning summer 2023.
  • C. T. Bauer Professor of Organizational Studies Chet Miller has been selected as the new editor in chief of the journal, Academy of Management Discoveries.
  • Professor and Department of Management & Leadership Chair Steve Werner won the 2021 Excellence in Reviewing Award from the journal Human Resource Management Review (HRMR). HRMR’s impact factor in 2020 was 7.4.
  • Leanne Atwater, from Bauer’s Department of Management & Leadership, was announced as the winner of the 2021 Eminent Leadership Scholar Award from the Network of Leadership Scholars.
  • Department of Management & Leadership Professor Leanne Atwater was announced as the winner of the 2021 Eminent Leadership Scholar Award from the Network of Leadership Scholars. Winners of the award are recognized as having an outstanding body of work that has made a substantial and original contribution to the field of leadership studies and as having contributed to the discipline in ways that complement their scholarship.
  • Department chair Professor Leanne Atwater presented the 4th Annual Bass Distinguished Scholar Lecture at Binghamton University, “Leader-follower relationships: The good, the bad and the ugly.”
  • Clinical Assistant Professor Barb Carlin was awarded the University of Houston Teaching Award in Spring 2012.
  • Professor Laura Cardinal was a plenary speaker at the 2nd Empirical Research in Management Accounting & Control Conference at Vienna University of Economics and Business: “A management perspective on organizational control.“  Cardinal was also recognized with an outstanding reviewer award from the Strategic Management Journal at the Strategic Management Society Meetings.
  • Professor Chet Miller was awarded the 2012 Academy of Management Review Best Paper Award for the article, “The paradox of stretch goals: Pursuit of the seeming impossible in organizations.” He was also a plenary speaker at the 2nd Empirical Research in Management Accounting & Control Conference at Vienna University of Economics and Business: “The paradox of stretch goals: Organizations in pursuit of the seemingly impossible.” In addition, Miller was recognized with an outstanding reviewer award by the Academy of Management Journal at the Academy of Management Meetings and with an outstanding reviewer award by the Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division of the Academy of Management in 2011.