

To learn about travel advisories to Germany visit the U.S. State Department website.

Due to the current instability in global travel, we reserve the right to cancel the trip.

Information about the Summer 2025 trip to Berlin is coming soon.

This program is open only to graduate students.

If you have any questions about this program, please contact Dr. Marina Sebastijanovic at

Quick Links

Student Experience

In addition, here is a fun student-made video on YouTube of the 2015 Berlin Learning Abroad trip.

“Nobody intends to put up a wall!”

—Walter Ulbricht, Leader of the GDR, June, 1961, two months before the Berlin Wall was built

“All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin. And therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words, ‘Ich bin ein Berliner!'”

—U.S. President John F. Kennedy, speaking in West Berlin, June 1963

“Berlin combines the culture of New York, the traffic system of Tokyo, the nature of Seattle, and the historical treasures of, well, Berlin.”

—Hiroshi Montomura,U.S. Law professor, 2004

What students have said about previous trips

“Going on the Berlin Learning Abroad has been one of the best decisions I have made while studying for my MBA at the University of Houston. The professors were wonderful during our stay and were very helpful. It was great interacting with my fellow classmates during the trip. Being able to be exposed to Berlin's city, culture, education, and businesses was an awesome experience. I without a doubt would recommend the Berlin Learning Abroad to current and future students of The Bauer MBA program.”
Adrienne Hall, MBA student.

“This trip has undoubtedly been one of the greatest highlights of my MBA career. It was a highly informative, well planned, and enjoyable experience.”
Rob Marks, MBA student.

“One of the best experiences I have ever had. It was both enjoyable and educational. I highly recommend this program.”
Jimmy Promubol, MBA student.

“This trip was one of the best things I have ever done in my life!”
Michael E. Williams, MBA student.

“The learning abroad trip to Berlin, Germany was the most enjoyable trip that I have been on. It was a great experience to be able to gain the first hand knowledge about another culture, businesses and country.”
Melinda Peters, MBA student.

“This was truly one of the best experiences of my lifetime. I learned more than I ever dreamed of and met lifelong friends. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.”
Jessica Lyons, MBA student.

“Whether you are a World Traveler, or have never left the state, this trip is for you. You will quickly bond with other students in the program, and the interactive education will keep you engaged the entire trip.”
Janna Ball, MBA student.

“The learning abroad experience is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You most likely will never have an opportunity to be able to learning abroad and learn internationally as you do with this program. To top it off I meet great people that have been in the MBA program all along and yet never have gotten to know. Through the program have a whole new group of friends and business colleagues.”
Allison Meier, MBA student.

“This was an unbelievable experience. It was an excellent mix of company visits, lectures and free time to explore Berlin and Poland. I would highly recommend everyone with the means to participate in a learning abroad program to do so at their earliest convenience.”
Randell Rios, MBA student.

“Today's global business community demands a cross-cultural perspective. The Berlin Learning Abroad program gave me a taste of this perspective by providing the opportunity to witness first-hand business and cultural experiences that will be required of any MBA graduate. I highly recommend this program to all fellow MBA students. The investment is priceless and will give you lifelong experiences and friendships.”
Scott Cooley, MBA student.

“The Berlin trip is a great experience. There is no better way to conclude your MBA than to take a learning abroad trip.”
F. Roomi Hussian, MBA student.