Bauer Doctoral Student Researches the Impact of Logo Design
Published on April 30, 2018
Does the design of a logo have an impact on how much people are willing to donate to a charitable organization?
Ngoc Minh “Rita” To, a Bauer College marketing doctoral student, has been awarded a research grant to further study the possibility, which has intriguing implications for non-profit organizations.
To was named a 2018 Emerging Fellow and awarded the grant from the Academic Advisory Council for Signage Research and Education (AACSRE).
She is investigating how different aesthetic elements influence consumer self-brand connection, as well as how hidden meanings behind logo designs can influence brand perceptions. As part of her dissertation, To will examine how visual cues can prompt consumers to participating in more prosocial actions.
Her Initial lab studies have shown a strong association between asymmetry and a perception of inequality, as well as an increased willingness to donate or engage in more prosocial behaviors when presented with logo designs that are asymmetrical.
“With the AACSRE research grant, we seek to further examine this phenomenon in future studies where real-world charity signage may contain asymmetrical (vs. symmetrical logos) which can influence consumer donation decisions,” To said.