BAUER+ for Student Success

What is BAUER+? BAUER+ is an online platform to develop competencies and skills essential for success in school and in your career. It links you to opportunities such as events and experiences that complement your academics with leadership development and career readiness competencies. It provides a co-curricular “smart” transcript of your engagement outside of the classroom to craft a narrative when you apply for scholarships and prepare for internships and job interviews and that you can share digitally with anyone you select. Your active participation in BAUER+ will demonstrate that you stand out from the crowd.

What Opportunities are in BAUER+?

You may already be involved with programs such as the Emerging Leaders Academic Success Program (ELASP), the Ted Bauer Leadership Certificate Program (TBLCP), or be in a business student organization, or participate in volunteering, a learning abroad, or an internship experience. BAUER+ can add those to a co-curricular transcript and help you translate them into the career readiness competencies and skills that employers are looking for. While BAUER+ is designed for experiences outside the classroom, students may also have the opportunity to write a reflection on an in-class paper or project or outside activity that relates to a career readiness competency and skill. BAUER+ continues to develop new experiences and offer new events, so keeping checking opportunities to engage.

What is the Time Commitment for BAUER+?

BAUER+ is not a requirement for your degree but is designed as a “plus” to add to your academics. It may include experiences you may already be involved in and allows you to add other opportunities you may not have known about. Each opportunity, whether an event or co-curricular program or outside activity, has its own time commitment, so you can choose what fits your schedule.

What are the Competencies in BAUER+?


Employers have been asked what they look for in graduating seniors in addition to the business knowledge and functional skills learned in the classroom. Through a survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), recruiters identified these eight career readiness competencies that BAUER+ has adapted to relate to your activities while at Bauer College:

What is Career Readiness? (

  1. Career and Self-Development
  2. Critical Thinking
  3. Communication
  4. Intercultural Competency
  5. Leadership
  6. Professionalism
  7. Teamwork
  8. Technology


Under each competency, BAUER+ lists a set of skills. For example, under Communication are Written and Oral Communication skills. Through your participation in various BAUER+ events and experiences, you can develop those skills beyond the classroom.

Where to Log into BAUER+?

All current undergraduate business majors have access to BAUER+ in one of two ways:

  • Log into your UHAccess student account credentials and look for this tile:
    Bauer+ Logo
    When you click on the tile, it will take you to the BAUER+ site (hosted by our partner company called Modern Campus - Involve). It will require you to use your UH log-in credentials the first time you log in from a specific computer or smart device.
  • Go directly to the Modern Campus – Involve website at: and log in with your UHAccess student account credentials (and bookmark this site for future reference).

BAUER+ also uses the Modern Campus Involve app for ready access to organizations and to upcoming events (up to 30 days in advance).

How do I find the app?

  • Search for "Modern Campus Involve" in the Apple or Android store
  • Download!

How do I log in?

  • Open Modern Campus Involve on your mobile device
  • Click the three stacked lines on the top left corner of your screen
  • Click "login"
  • Enter your campus credentials
  • Click "Go" on your keyboard

How do I use the app?

  • Select University of Houston from the search page
  • Navigate through organizations, events, RSVP links, forms, and so much more!

Where to Start?

“Start Here to Explore BAUER+” is the beginning experience to navigate the opportunities that BAUER+ offers that relate to career readiness competencies. Once you log into BAUER+, under “Opportunities>Experiences” search for “Start Here to Explore BAUER+” and click on it to get started.

“Start Here to Explore BAUER+” will complete the “Exploring” level, which is required to progress to the next two levels.


Each skill under the NACE competencies has three levels: Exploring, Experiencing, and Excelling.

Exploring: At this level you are exploring the opportunities to develop this skill. This experience called “Start Here to Explore BAUER+” allows you to complete the Exploring level for all the NACE competencies and skills.

Experiencing: At this level you are participating in opportunities to develop this skill such as events and aspects of experiences, volunteer service hours, active participation in a student organization, and reflections on outside activities such a military service, a part-time job, or an internship.

Excelling: At this level you are excelling at a skill through a high level of participation in a co-curricular program or through reflection on their participation in various activities, inside or outside the college, or in specialty programs such as Bauer Ambassadors, Bauer Honors, Bauer in DC, Learning Abroad, leading a student organization, the Wolff Center for Entrepreneurship, the Program for Excellence in Selling, the Ted Bauer Leadership Certificate Program, the SURE program, and LeaderShape.

Requirements to Complete the “Start Here to Explore BAUER+” Experience

To complete this Experience, you will be guided through a series of web-links with opportunities to develop the eight NACE career readiness competencies and their related skills. At the end of each competency, you will fill out a short reflection form to complete the Exploring level of the skills for that competency after an introduction to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). “Start Here to Explore BAUER+” takes approximately two hours to navigate various informational websites and be familiar with their content in order to complete an assessment and reflection form at the end. When you finish the “Start Here to Explore BAUER+” experience, it will complete the Exploring level for those competencies. Once you have completed “Start Here to Explore BAUER+”, click on “Apply to Earn” to get your free t-shirt!

Checking into Events

Bauer College offers many events, some open to all students and others as part of a co-curricular program or organization. If attendance is being tracked, students can check into those events in one of three ways:

  1. Use the UH Go app (UH Go - University of Houston) to click on your digital Cougar Card, then tap for a QR code and show it to the staff member in charge of the event if they use a smart phone to check you in.
  2. Sign in manually if a staff member is collecting names and IDs of students who attend, which they will then upload to the system.

In addition to your BAUER+ account, organizations and events are promoted on the “Modern Campus Presence” app that you can download from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. The Presence app will showcase organizations that you can join. It will also show upcoming (30 days in advance) all public events and any private events of co-curricular programs and organizations you are a part of that are managed within the BAUER+ platform.

Bauer Engagement Points

These points are earned for participation in any of the opportunities that a student does as part of BAUER+ and are used by the college to determine a student's overall engagement with the college, campus, and community.

Let’s get started!