Bauer Learning Abroad Programs
Bauer College students have the opportunity to spend a summer, semester, or even a year studying in another country while receiving academic credit toward their degree plan. Students have multiple options for pursuing a term abroad, including: Reciprocal Educational Exchange Programs (or "REEP"); Affiliated Programs; and Bauer Faculty-led Programs. Scholarships and financial aid may be used to assist with funding learning abroad opportunities. Students will work closely with the UH Learning Abroad Office and their academic advisor to plan and prepare for their term abroad.
Bauer Faculty-Led Programs
Undergraduate Programs
Bauer undergraduate students have the opportunity to participate on a learning abroad program during the summer, a semester, and/or for a year on a Bauer Faulty-led Programs; a Reciprocal Educational Exchange Program; or an Affiliated Program.

This trip is designed to allow students to learn about Global Expansion of business especially in Asia: the opportunities, the challenges, the problems, the solutions and experiencing the Indian culture.
Graduate Programs

Germany is the largest national economy in Europe and Berlin is considered the economic capital of Europe. This trip is designed to allow students to experience the German culture and business environment, as well as learn about doing business in the European Union. Students may take two courses for up to 6 credit hours.

This trip is designed to allow students to learn about Global Expansion of business especially in Asia: the opportunities, the challenges, the problems, the solutions and experiencing the Indian culture.
About Our Faculty-Led Programs
Bauer College faculty-led learning abroad programs are designed to give students an opportunity to learn about local business practices "on the ground" by immersing students in local culture, learning from on-site visits with local businesses, and meeting with government officials. Each of these learning abroad programs follows a similar model — the week "on the ground" is a component of traditional courses, offered in spring semester (Panama), spring break in China (Shenzhen/Hong Kong) or summer sessions (Berlin, Prague, Croatia). The non-traditional contact hours spent in-country provide a unique external classroom that complements the traditional classroom or online component of courses upon return to Houston. To apply for admission into a currently offered Learning Abroad program led by Bauer faculty, visit the Via TRM site. Each program is unique.