International Finance FINA 7360

Textbooks and Other Required Elements

Lecture Notes for FINA 7360 (LN), available through this homepage.
Cases for FINA 7360
Old Exams for FINA 7360

International Financial Management, 3rd Edition, by Geert J Bekaert and Robert J. Hodrick. Prentice Hall, 2017.
International Financial Management, 7th Edition, by Cheol S. Eun and Bruce G. Resnick. Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2014.
(One of them would be enough. You can buy these books through Internet vendors.)

Other Material: You should bring a financial calculator to the 2nd midterm (you should know how to use it).

Office Hours
Thursdays 5:00-6:00 or by appointment. (If I'm on MS Teams, text me and we setup a call).
Telephone: 713 743-4763
FAX: 713 743-4789

Outline of the course
  • Review
    Review Chapter. It will not be covered in class. It will be assumed that you read it.

  • PART 1.- Foreign Exchange Rates
    LN I-II-III-IV-V. Assignment: Case 1 (LN V)

  • PART 2.- Currency Risk Management
    LN VI-VII-VIII. Assignment: Case 2 (LN VIII)

  • PART 3.- Country Risk, DFI and International Portfolio Investment
    LN XVII. Assignment: Case 3 (LN XVII).
    LN IX-X. Assignment: Case 4 (LN IX and LN X). Country Report.
    LN XI-XII. Assignment: Case 5 (LN XII).

  • PART 4.- Interest Rate Derivatives in International Markets
    LN XIII. Assignment: Case 6 (LN XIII).
    LN XIV. Assignment: Case 7 (LN XIV).
    LN XV. Assignement: Case 8 (LN XV).

  • PART 5.- Gold Market (If time allows)
    LN XVI.

    Exams and Grading
    Final grades will be determined as a weighted average of scores on the midterms, a paper, a presentation and class participation, with the following weights:

    Midterms - March 7 and April 25 -tentative dates 50% (All exams are open book and notes)
    Paper - April 4 15%
    Homework (Class Assignment part in Cases) -due on case presentation dates 15%
    Case Presentation - TBA 15%
    Class Participation 5%

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