Class Etiquette

Basic Behavior Rules that Instructors and Classmates Appreciate

  • Attendance is not mandatory. If you find the class boring or uninteresting, do not come to class.
  • If you attend a lecture and must leave in the middle, let the instructor know about this before the class starts. The instructor will appreciate it.
  • Coming late to class consistently is inconsiderate. Every time somebody opens the door, students are distracted.
  • In general, instructors do not mind a student sleeping once in a while during a lecture. Sleeping in class consistently, however, will drive an instructor crazy. If you are very tired, bring a cup of coffee toclass, drink a coke, or just go to the bathroom and freshen up.
  • Coming to class to do other things such as reading notes from other classes, texting, doing crossword puzzles, working on your tablet, checking your e-mail and text-messages, online shopping, etc. is very rude to the instructor. If you have to do other things do not come to class.
  • Same as above: Do not read the newspaper in class.
  • To avoid the curiosity to check your voice-mail or e-mail, do not put on the desk your phone, tablet or PDA. Turn off your laptop.
  • During a class presentation put your best effort to pay attention to the students doing the presentation. It is very frustrating for them to see you doing other things, while they are talking. Be nice to your classmates. Remember: they have spent several hours preparing for the presentation.
  • If you miss a lecture ask another student for their notes and read them before class. Do not disturb other students with questions in class that show that you have not cared to be up-to-date with class material.
  • Assume that everything, unless stated otherwise, will be included in the exam. Please, avoid at all costs the question: "Is this going to be in the exam?"
  • Do not close your notes and books, put your backpack or briefcase in your desk unless the class is over. It is doubtful that you would do the same during a job interview or a business meeting. Remember, if you are tired or find the class boring, do not come to class.
  • Cell phones, tablets, pagers, beepers, and other sound making gadgets should be turned off before coming to class. It is well known that Magic Johnson destroyed the (beeping) beeper of a Lakers player during a meeting. You should assume that your instructor will do the same.
  • Laptops, tablets, PDAs, and cell phones should not be used in class. No internet surfing, e-mail, etc. It will be distracting to other students.
  • If by mistake you leave your cellphone on and you receive a call, never answer the call in class. Just turn the phone off immediately.

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