MIS 4372 -- Midterm Answers Spring 2016 (version B) -- Parks

Assume the Bates Hotel has implemented a new reservation system. The primary table is named reserve was created with following specification is:

table name: reserve columns:

  1. resnum integer IDENTITY (1,1) NOT NULL,
  2. firstname varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  3. lastname varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  4. personcount int NOT NULL,
  5. checkindate varchar(8) NOT NULL,
    [this field is composed of three parts: year (four digits), month 2 digits (e.g., March would be entered as: 03) and day 2 digits (the 5th of the month would be entered as 05)]
  6. checkoutdate varchar(8) NOT NULL, [this field is composed of three parts: year (four digits), month 2 digits (e.g., March would be entered as: 03) and day 2 digits (the 5th of the month would be entered as 05)]
  7. the primary key is: resnum

Write the asp code with four passes for a UPDATE/DELETE program named fixres.asp) that allows a user to modify a person's hotel reservation. Customers call the concierge desk to make reservation changes. Specifically:

  1. the first pass (named pass1) contains:
    1. a form with action="fixres.asp" and method="POST"
    2. include a clearly labeled textboxea (you pick their design) to record: lastname
    3. a hidden variable with name="token" with a value of "2"
    4. a submit button
    5. a form action="fixres.asp" and method="POST"

  2. the second pass (named pass2) receives the data from the first pass and then:
    1. performs an existence test on the reserve table to see if a reservation exists for the lastname entered.
    2. Show the user one line for each record returned for the lastname entered. Each record should show: resnum, firstname and lastname, checkindate and checkoutdate and personcount on one line separated by commas. At the end of the line create a link of the form:

      <a href='fixres.asp?token=3&rn=value of resnum found for this reservation'>FIX THIS ONE</a>

  3. the third pass looks up the reservation using the value of rn returned by the link in pass2 to created a modifiable form for the user. If the This form shows:
    1. the resnum as text, followed by hidden textbox named rn with the value of the returned from pass2.
    2. the firstname and lastname as text
    3. the checkin year in a four digit textbox, the checkin month in a two digit textbox and the checkin day in a two digit textbox. Each should have a value clause with the data from the table for the resnum.
    4. the checkout year in a four digit textbox, the checkout month in a two digit textbox and the checkout day in a two digit textbox. Each should have a value clause with the data from the table for the resnum.
      [the two fields above will require you concatenate the year, month and day components together to make a single field -- one for checkindate and one for checkoutdate]
    5. a two digit personcount field with the value from the resnum row
    6. a hidden field named "token" with a value of "4"
    7. a submit button

  4. the fourth pass updates all the values for the resnum row.
    That is update: checkindate, checkoutdate, and personcount
    The user cannot change the lastname, firstname or resnum
    Report the result of the task action to the user ("Updated OK" or "Update Failed")
Each pass is 25% of your grade. Assume the data editing is performed outside the scope of the code (i.e., assume the user makes no data entry errors]