Michael S. Parks' Worth Reading

Worth Reading...

Of all the drivel found on my CV, these four are worth the trip:

  1. "A Generalized Model for Automating Judgmental Decisions," Management Science, Vol. 22 No.8, April 1976.
  2. "Dichotic Property and Teleogenesis," Kybernetes, Jan. 1979.
  3. "The Disystem: A Fundamental Process of Nature", Cybernetica, No.1, 1991, pp. 5-20.
  4. "A Comparison of Machine Learning with Human Judgment", with M. Kattan and D.Adams,Journal of MIS, Spring 1993, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 37-57.

Michael S. Parks,280E Melcher Hall, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, 77204-6282, 713-743-4729
Updated: Dec. 12, 1994 -- Send comments and suggestions to: parks@uh.edu