The best source for Java Applets is:

From this site, numerous applets are availble for fun. Most are graphic and artsy oriented. Check this site out. The applet you see here was found at and was written by Joerg Meissner
You can e-mail the author at His specs can be found at:

The roll you see on the syllabus is created by:

  1. some HTML code that loads the applet and passes parameters, and
  2. Meissner's Java applet called CreditRoll.class

Here is the relevant HTML from the syllabus:

<applet code="CreditRoll.class" width=240 height=70>
<param name=BGCOLOR value="00aa00">
<param name=TEXTCOLOR value="ffffff">
<param name=FADEZONE value="20">
<param name=TEXT1 value="THIS IS A">
<param name=TEXT2 value="JAVA APPLET">
<param name=TEXT3 value="CALLED">
<param name=TEXT4 value="CreditRoll.classi">
<param name=TEXT5 value=" ">
<param name=TEXT6 value="Click HERE for">
<param name=TEXT7 value="the instructions">
<param name=URL value="">
<param name=REPEAT value="YES">
<param name=SPEED value="30">
<param name=VSPACE value="30">
<param name=FONTSIZE value="14">

The primary <applet></applet> pair contains:

The applet named in the HTML (CreditRoll.class) must exist in the same subdirectory as the HTML. (Note spelling and caps are critical)

For most of these applets, it is a matter of getting the applet and specs, then coding the HTML appropriately.

Click here for a sample HTML file that does a Credit Roll

Click here for the java applet CreditRoll.class

Click here to return to the syllabus