MIS 4372 -- Midterm -- Fall 2012 -- Parks -- Answers are here

24 byte


Malwart Stores uses a qr-code to identify inventory delivered to its many retail stores. Each box of product(s) contains a unique 24 digit qr-code. This qr-code is used as the key to a box_data table where the packing, shipping and delivery information about a box of product(s) is maintained. There is also a box-contents table that holds the detailed information on each product AND number of units of the product contained in a specific box (i.e., product_code and quantity). Thus, for each row in the box_data table (i.e., a box) there are one or more rows in the box_contents table that details what is in the box. Further, there is a store_inventory table for each store that holds the quantity_on_hand of each product in its inventory. The data structures for these tables are shown below.
box_data box_contents store_inventory
box_qr_code char(24) NOT NULL,
pack_location char(6),
pack_date_time varchar(24)
load_location char(6),
load_date_time varchar(24)
store_id char(6),
delivery_date_time varchar(24),
delivery_completed char(1),
truck_code char(12),
route_code char(12),
PRIMARY KEY (box_qr_code)
product_code char(30) NOT NULL,
box_qr_code char(24) NOT NULL,
quantity int


store_id char(6) NOT NULL,
product_code char(30) NOT NULL,
quantity_on_hand int,
PRIMARY KEY (store_id)

1. (60 points) Assume that when the drivers arrive at a Malwart store, they use a "cellphone qr-code reader app" to record each box as it is unloaded. For each box, the "qr-code reader app" wirelessly transmits (AJAX) the following string to an asp program over the internet:

http://www.malwart.com/post_delivery.asp?qrc=[value of box_qr_code]&dt=[current date and time string]

Notes: (a) the [...] brackets are for readability and contain a data description -- they are not actually in the string; (b) use the function now to get current date and time

Write the post_delivery.asp program (it is a one-pass program) that updates the store's store_inventory table with the all of the product(s) quantities contained in the box. Specifically:
  1. Using the box_qr_code (the value of "qrc" from the querystring), read the store_id from the box_data table

  2. Using the box_qr_code, read ALL rows in the box_contents table that contain this box_qr_code (i.e, get the product_code and quantity values for each product in the box)

  3. Add the quantity amounts in (2. above) to the corresponding quantity_on_hand fields of the store_inventory table (use the store_id from (1. above) and the product_code from (2. above) to determine which row in the store_inventory table to update

  4. If the posting in (3. above) works correctly: (a) record the current date and time (from "dt" in the querystring) in the delivery_date_time field of the box_data table; (b) set the value of the delivery_completed field to "Y" in box_data table; (c) send "OK" to the user. If the posting fails: (a) set the value of the delivery_completed field to "N" in box_data table; (b) Send "FAILED" to the user.
Assume the data in the box_data table and the box_contents table are complete and correct. Further assume that all product_codes that appear in the box_contents table exist in the store_inventory table for that store_id.

2. (40 points) When the truck driver is ready to leave the Malwart store, he will use a cell phone app that reads a qr-code printed on the top page of his BOL (BOL = 'bill of lading' -- a paper document that records the details of mechandise delivered to the store). This cellphone app sends (AJAX) the following string over the internet:

http://www.malwart.com/delivery_report.asp?truck=[truck_code value]]&sid=[store_id value]&rc[route_code value]

Note: the [...] brackets are for readability and contain a data description. They are not actually in the string

Write the delivery_report.asp program (one pass) that returns the following information to the cellphone's browser: