DISC 4372 Midterm Fall 2008 Parks

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1. (50 points) An architectural firm maintains a database of architectural project data. A project table contains the descriptive data for each project. Assume the project table has:

project_id int not null,
project_name varchar(30) not null,
primary key (project_id)

Further, there is a table of documents called doc_table that contains the information related to where the documents for a project are stored. Specifically, doc_table has:

project_id int not null,
doc_num int IDENTITY (1,1),
doc_type char(1) not null,   ["D"=drawing, "R"=report, "C"=correspondence, "M"=memo]
doc_desc varchar(30) not null,
doc_file_name varchar(60),
doc_date varchar(30),
primary key (project_id,doc_num)

Write an insert program for adding new documents to a project. This will be a three step (pass) process:

  1. On the first pass, provide a list of all available projects from the project table. Display each project_id and project_name on a line, ordered by ascending project_id. Allow the user to click on a project_id and pass the project_id and project_name to the next step via a quesrystring.
  2. Return a page with the project_id and project_name displayed at the top AND stored as hidden variables. Provide fields for collecting: doc_type, doc_desc, doc_file_name. Submit the data via a querystring. DO NOT EDIT THE DATA.
  3. Using the data received from step 2:
    1. check to make sure the doc_file_name has not been used before. If it already exists, return an error message to the user.
    2. Insert the data received from the second step into the doc_table. Use the now function to define the date. Report the outcome of the insert attempt to the user.
Write the three pass ASP program.

2. (50 points) Using the data in the doc_table above, write an asp program that shows the entire contents of the table ordered: first by doc_type in ascending order, then by project_id in ascending order, then by doc_num in ascending order. DO NOT INCLUDE project_name from the project table. The data should be in a 1 pixel bordered table with 6 columns: document type, project id, document number, document description, document filename, document date.