Capt. Horatio T.P. Webb
IP (Internet Protocol) Addresses (IPv4, 1983)
Parks -- Spring 2018

Version 1 -- Last Updated 4:00 PM 4/3/2018


The Bauer College of Business is physically housed in three campus buildings


Melcher Hall (MH)

Michael J. Cemo Hall(CEMO)

Insperity Building (CBB)
(Classroom and Business Building
Class C IP Addresses
(256 IP addresses of the form a.b.c.[0→255] where a.b.c from below)
0 is network, 255 is broadcast to all. So there are 254 usable addresses for each Class C)







 Bauer therefore has 11 x 254 = 2,794 assignable IP addresses across the three buildings


  1. RFC 760 DOD STANDARD, INTERNET PROTOCOL, January 1980. Jonathan Postel