Creating a Simple Forms Webpage in Visual Studio

Version 1 -- Last Updated 6:29 AM 10/14/2020

  1. Start Visual Studio

  2. Close the default "Start Page" that appears
    (click the "x" at the top of the yellow middle panel beside "Start Page")

  3. Click  File , then "New Website"
    (a new panel "New Web Site" will appear)

  4. Click on the left side either:
          Visual C# 
          Visual Basic 
    to choose your language

  5. Click: "ASP.NET Web Forms Site" in the middle panel

  6. Adjust the file location if necessary
    (i.e., at the bottom enter: "c:\...etc...." wherever you want the file stored)

  7. Click "OK" at the bottom of the panel

    Visual Studio will create all the project components (be patient)

  8. A new Default.aspx page will appear in the center panel

    Close this page by clicking the "x" at the top beside the yellow Default.aspx filename
    The new Website name will appear in the properties column on the right side

  9. At the top left, click  File , then "New File"

    the "Add New Item..." panel will appear
    the language you chose on the previous step should appear highlighted

  10. click "Web Form" in the middle panel

  11. Uncheck "Place code in a separate file" at the bottom of the panel

  12. If necessary adjust the file "Name" of your choosing at the bottom (it must end in .aspx)

  13. Click  Add 
    The default empty aspx page will appear in the middle panel with the correct language directive at the top (VB or C#)

  14. You are now ready to drag and drop the page components