University of Houston


MANA 3335– Introduction to Management and Organizational Behavior

In general terms, the objective of this course is to provide you with a conceptual understanding of the structure and function of organizations and the role of the managers that lead them. As an introductory course in management, we will explore a wide range of topics, structured around four basic managerial responsibilities: planning, organizing, leading and controlling.

The goal of this course is to both simplify and complicate your picture of organizations -- to simplify by systematizing and interrelating some basic ideas, and to complicate by pointing out the infinite shades of gray and the multitude of interacting variables that can occur in human organizations.  We will take a practical approach to the study of management by focusing on real life applications and case studies.  Hopefully, by the course's end you will have increased your understanding of management and sharpened your analytical skills as they relate to organizational problems.  This should be a class you enjoy and one where you will learn things that you can apply in your future career.

Sample Syllabus






Contact Information

Barbara Carlin
Office Hours:
By Appointment
713 743-4661
310-A MH


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